Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 02 - Day 07 ... "Face"

Ok...  I will admit that I cheated today.  While I did *take* this picture I didn't take it today ..  I tried to take a self-portrait because I wanted to end with something that expressed what a challenge this week has been but I just couldn't capture what I was after... then I remembered this shot :-)

This is, by far, one of my favorite pictures -- it is of my Boxer puppy Bruno (the other Boxer, Rocky, is in the background) and, as you can tell by his face, he is not happy :-)

I took this right after I discovered that he and his partner had gotten into a 5lb bag of cake flour and decided that they would like to try their paw at baking ... needless to say flour and boxer spit do not make a very pleasant combination :-)

I think it is pretty safe to say - on behalf of Bruno - we are glad this week is over!

Now on to next week -- "Letters"  (as in the A-B-C's)
Week 02 - Day 06 ... 'Eye of Terror'

I will admit that this has been a particularly difficult theme for me to follow..  How many different body parts can one person photograph and keep things interesting?  Especially when you don't have anyone that is willing to model for you?   Well.. I am glad that this is almost the last photograph this week and, in honor of the subject matter..  I can honestly say that I see the end is near :-)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Week 02 - Day 05 .. 'Paw'
Ok, ok.. you could make the argument that this is just another cheap shot of a hand but, c'mon .. he was willing to lay there so I could take his picture *again* - what was I supposed to say, no?
Week 02 - Day 04 .. 'Hand'

I guess it is possible to take a "self-portrait" without using your own foot :-)

If only I had thought of this earlier....
Week 02 - Day 03 .. 'Eye'

Ok .. since my oldest Boxer, Rocky, did so much complaining at the start of the week I decided to try my luck with my other Boxer - Bruno...  fortunately for me Bruno has always been a willing subject for my photography and he obliged by laying still long enough for me to take this shot.

Don't look too close .. you might see a reflection of me :-)
Week 02 - Day 02 .. 'Toes'

Ok.. I will be the first to admit that I hate feet but they are also the easiest body part to photograph when you are home alone ..  At least and maintain a "G" rating, right?   :-)

So.. we will suffer together - at least my nails are trimmed eh?
Week 02 - Day 01 ... 'Nose'

Well.. here we are - the second week of 2012's "Project 365" challenge and I have fallen behind again and now I have to play catch up with my posts.   To start off I figured I would try to mix things up since it will be difficult to walk up to someone and say "Hi.. can I take a picture of part of your body?"

Fortunately for me .. animals don't argue .. well most animals don't.

This is a picture of my oldest Boxer - Rocky .. and I have to tell you .. as I was trying to get him to sit still for a picture all he would do is groan and complain .. *sigh*  maybe taking odd pictures of strangers would have been easier!  :-)